How are the Bridges Built on Water ?
You may have traveled on Bandra-Worli Sea Link or Mahatma Gandhi Setu bridge. But did you asked yourself a question that how are these bridges built on water? Do you ever think about how the pillars are built in the water bodies to construct the bridge? Why Didn’t the pillars just wash away with water? We will take a look around bridges on the water topic and then we will see some longest bridges on water.
There are two types of bridges floating and permanent. The foundation is needed only for the permanent ones. So, there are some factors that come into play before building permanent bridges. Before going to see how bridges are built, we will look at the factors that we should take note of.
1. The condition of the site
2. The technical ability and engineering capacity of the contractor
3. The technology available in the country.
There are different techniques for building bridges on
water. All the techniques depend on the quality of soil and the level of water.
The level of water is deep depth level and low depth level of water.
The first method is of building a bridge in low depth water. In low depth water, the foundation of the bridge is laid by filling the actual location for a temporary period, over which piers (a sort of pillar are often built). Otherwise, when the soil isn't favorable within the top layer for constructing a bridge, temporarily rigs are erected and piles are constructed deep inside the river bed. Then the bridge is often built either by taking support from the already constructed piers, or by temporary platforms / mud-islands within the water, or through barges (though rarely in fewer depth waters).
The second method is for the bridge to build over a deep-water body (river or sea). Cofferdam technique is employed during this case. during this method, a wall enclosing a neighborhood is built inside the water, and water is continuously pumped out from the world. Then, the foundation of the bridge (the pillars) is made inside the cofferdam. because the construction place is sea or river itself. Therefore, 24-hour monitoring is required outside the cofferdam to see high tides of water. Bridges build using this system are strong and carry heavy loads.
And the last but not least technique is called Case Drilling. This is the most advanced technique. In this technique, a watertight chamber keeps the water away with the assistance of atmospheric pressure. Then a sealed tube chamber is fitted inside the chamber. After that, a long drill is put inside the tube, and then the drilling process starts. Water filled during this process is pumped out. After that, a case is inserted into the opening which is drilled inside to offer extra support. In this way, a stable frame is created. This frame is filled with concrete. Then pillars are built and hence the bridge.
There are three steps for constructing the bridge on the water.
1.Constructing the Foundation –
In order to build the foundation,
a bed is sunk inside the waterbed from the top. It is like a frame to the
pillars that will hold the bridge in place. After that, a support pier is made
with the help of rigs.
2.Construction of Cofferdam-
Around the support pier and rigs,
a Cofferdam is made. It is a special type of wall that is created surrounding
the foundation. Continuous pumping removes the water from inside. The area is
completely dried out and then, the foundation is made.
3.Bringing everything together-
After the construction of the
foundation, the support piers are either cast in the yard or cast in place.
Sometimes, this process is done elsewhere and then, barges are used to bring
everything together.
Once all these steps are done,
the gaps are filled with segments of the concrete structure.
This is all about The Building of the bridge on Water. Please share this important information with your friends and
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